Woman Owned & Operated

Meet Amelia:


In 2017 I left my job as an act of radical self care.

In return, I dove into my passions for health and wellness and started whipping up my skincare products in the kitchen using family indigenous recipes and ingredients. Finally free, I had a strong desire to build something sustainable of my own and I worked hard at getting Honored Roots Co. off the ground.

Currently, my hopes are to provide as many homes as possible with access to clean, effective & affordable skincare. In the process, I hope to inspire more radical self-care.

Honored Roots Co. was born from a space of radical self-care, built on the foundation of honor for the bodies that we live in and the Earth that we live on, and maintained today by my vision to live life authentically my way.

These products represent the importance of self-care and the importance of feeling rooted and stable. In learning to love yourself, you create space. Space in your heart and space in the world. Through that space, miraculous things flow through. Iā€™m determined to be a part of this, a part of all things beautiful.

With love,